In a socioeconomic environment in which more and more perishable products are handled, also as a result of changing consumer habits, it is necessary to know about all innovations in the field of refrigerated transport for the food industry. It is good, in fact, do not underestimate This key step in the supply chain: transportation is the most critical phase, especially in the warmer months of the year.

Maintaining the cold chain along the entire food chain is essential for a variety of reasons, first and foremost to ensure product safety and quality, from processing in the plant to delivery to the end customer’s home, via storage and preservation in logistics hubs. It also turns out to be necessary to avoid economic losses due to early withdrawal of food from the shelf in cases of improper food storage and subsequent organoleptic alteration.

The refrigerated transport of food, in this scenario, must necessarily take an innovative form: through technologically advanced facilities and theUse of environmentally friendly refrigerant gases. A combination that represents an important competitive advantage, because it ensures High performance, sustainability, lower energy consumption and enables the extension of the shelf life of products.

Food transportation, a growing sector

In recent years, with the exponential growth in the movement of perishable goods, food transportation has taken on an even more significant role: if in 2020 the food spending online reached 2.9 billion euros with a +84% growth, in the area of grocery had an additional + 39 percent for a 1.4 billion euro turnover (Netcomm-Politecnico di Milano Observatory). According to estimates, the positive trend will be confirmed in the coming months for the entire food sector.

Therefore, it is necessary for companies to come prepared by equipping themselves with the best technologies on the market. On the one hand to cope with increasingly tight competition, and on the other to ensure the highest quality standards. In fact, the transportation of food products is the most delicate phase of the entire logistics flow: in the summer months, when peaks over 40°C are reached, an interruption of the cold chain, even by a few degrees and for a short period of time, can irreparably damage food.

Fresh and frozen foods, food safety

Regulations, both national and international, set strict rules for refrigerated food transportation so that the flow does not undergo sudden temperature changes.

In particular, the “Hygiene Package” consisting of European Regulations 852 – 853 – 854 and 882 of 2004 and European Regulation 178/02 is the main reference of food business operators.

Grouping foods into two macroareas, we can say that they are divided into:

  • Fresh produce
  • Frozen products

To give some examples: in the field of fresh products, cheese, yogurt, egg products and some meat preparations cannot exceed a temperature of 4 degrees Celsius. It goes up to 8 degrees for raw milk and 10 degrees for roasts and roast beef.

In the case of frozen foods,again to provide an illustrative, non-exhaustive list, frozen fishery products, ground meats, meat preparations, mechanically separated and frozen meats must remain within -18 degrees.

In addition to this, the European regulator also regulates the use of refrigerant gases in order to facilitate the ecological transition in the coming years,defining deadlines by which the most impactful gases are to be divested.

Europe sets 2030 as the deadline for reducing fluorinated greenhouse gas emissions by 79 percent.

Food transportation and logistics, current critical issues

Small carriers, logistics operators and large-scale retailers, the latter increasingly active in the in-house food production and processing sector, in dealing with the increase in activity related to food storage, handling and transportation, manifest some critical issues.

First, the proper and constant maintenance of the cold chain, as seen, a key aspect of safe food storage. In addition to this, the demand is to simplify logistics management, with flexible solutions. Added to this is the need to be able to employ small vehicles that can access all urban centers, even in small villages. And again, they express the need to use environmentally friendly technologies and gases and quiet refrigeration systems.

Currently, in fact, noisy and polluting vans are prevalent in the market, which must remain with the engine running even when delivering goods in order to maintain a constant temperature. These vehicles often fail to cover all areas of the city and still involve the use of refrigerant gases with a high environmental impact.

Refrigerated transport and the food industry, SIAD’s offering

SIAD has developed specific solutions in the area of refrigerated transport for the food industry. Environmentally friendly gas-based technologies that contain consumption, are flexible, quiet, and suitable for every urban center.

In particular, SIAD research has enabled the market launch of three innovative CO2-based solutions:

  • COOOL® FreeToGo: the system that transforms transport vehicles into efficient refrigeration systems that can reduce temperatures 10 times faster than traditional delivery vehicles and maintain them consistently during travel. To an outside observer, the van functions like a traditional refrigeration vehicle: a panel in the cab allows the operator to turn it on and off and check parameters. The system harnesses the cooling power of CO2, and operation is guaranteed even when the engine is turned off: the system is independent, nonpolluting and noise-free.
  • COOOL®RollBox – Transport in roll containers: The system behaves like a eutectic plate, but provides more frigor and consistency in cold release, thanks to the cooling power of solid CO2. Management is simplified: no need to pre-cool or handle heavy loads, simply recharge the system via the injector, refrigeration is immediately available
  • ICEandGO: dry ice for transport in reusable isothermal containers

Advanced CO2 technology capable of ensuring the entire cold chain even in the hottest months of the year, resulting in a Increased saleability of products, reducing energy consumption, decreasing waste and emissions, noise reduction, flexibility and high adaptability depending on the business: with these characteristics, the line COOOL® of SIAD is the optimal solution for all food transportation and all operators in the supply chain.